What is Jinyoung Ssang Kum Ryu Haedong Kumdo
According to the United World Haedong Kumdo Federation, Haedong Kumdo can trace its origins back to the Silla dynasty of Korea, over 1,500 years. Recorded in the only two remaining documents in Korea’s martial arts history, the Moo Yeh Jee Bo and the Moo Yeh Do Bok Tong Gi, the swordsmanship of Korea has a long and illustrious history.
The practice of Haedong Kumdo worldwide is overseen by Chong Jae Nim Kim Jeong Seong, who, based on the ancient techniques developed the Ssang Kum Ryu or two sword style of Haedong Kumdo.
While beginners start off using the single wooden sword (Mokkum), the ultimate objective is to become proficient in the use of two live swords (Jinggum), both for Kumbup (sword forms) and cutting (paper, bamboo, and wood).